Monday, June 02, 2008

Just another Manic Monday

Monday morning. 10:35AM.

Back in the 'Burgh.

I left Friday afternoon for a wonderful weekend away with my ladylove. We decided only a few days before to take a weekend and meet (roughly) halfway between our respective home.

So, you're asking, what exotic destination is the halfway point? Toledo, Ohio.

Yes, we spent the weekend in Toledo, Ohio. I know, you're amazed. It ranks right up there with the best, most romantic vacation destination out there: Paris. Tahiti. Bora Bora.


The details of the weekend...some are public and I'll share them with you another time. Some are VERY personal and there's no way I'm going to tell you about them, here or anywhere.

Let's just say that we had a wonderful time. It was pretty much perfect (minus some interesting moments), but it didn't matter.

My love and I were together. We walked, we shared, we dined...we loved.

It was wonderful.

I'm now back home. The Kid's in the hospital again, aspirated again, and possible infection from pneumonia. They called me on the trip home, telling me she wasn't able to talk and gurgling. Got her to the emergency room, and I was there shortly thereafter.

Didn't get home until 1 in the morning, pretty much, but...the end of the weekend was a little rough, but it didn't take the smile from my face and the love in my heart that I had from spending it with Julie.

I love you, baby.

* She's the most beautiful woman on the planet in my opinion. You're not going to be able to change my mind, so don't try. And no, I don't think Angelina Jolie's more beautiful.


loveno88 said...

Youre crazy if you dont think Angie is beautiful! The interesting moments made the weekend wonderful! I love you and thank you for such a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Hillis said...

That's when it's love, when that person is the most beautiful in your eyes...reading this made me so happy for both of you! As I posted on Julie's blog, may this be the first of a lifetime of wonderful weekends.

Cami said...


[tnybrstd. Srsly.]

Shauna said...

I missed Monday?

Rene said...

How come Toledo sounds like toilet in my mind? :-)