Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin, RIP

Woke up this morning to some very sad news.

George Carlin died yesterday.

He went to the UCLA Medical Center complaining of chest pain and died from a heart attack there.
He was 71.

I've a soft spot in my heart for comedians, and for those who make you think especially. He was one of those...going from counter-culture comedian to someone who actually said shit to make you think.

He will be missed.

The ironic thing was...XM Radio's uncensored comedy channel ran a special on him yesterday afternoon. It was a good listen, a good interview. It's well worth downloading, and can be found here as a podcast. (If you don't like or have iTunes, I recommend Juice.)

He taught me one thing. There are no bad words, just bad context.


Rene said...


Shauna said...

I have always loved Carlin.

RIP George