Monday, June 16, 2008

While visiting The Journal of Onestar

I'm still in Dekalb with my ladylove for a couple more days.
I just wanted to make sure everyone noticed the cool things I have here on my page.

Make sure to check out the other blogs I have linked here. Most of you already know they're there (because you visit me from your own pages), but there are some excellent blogs that aren't friends, but are still worth checking out like Post Secret, or I Found Your Camera.

I've added a slideshow of my flickr photos. I've been posting to flickr a lot recently, so you'll find my latest shots there.

And, yes, my Amazon wish list is included there, in case you feel like giving me a gift.

There's also a link to my local weather (well, local when I'm in The Burgh), and a link to the podcast website (which I will be updating sometime soon.

Oh, and I'll be adding a link to my YouTube videos very soon (if not right after I finish this).

Yeah, it's one-stop shopping for all things me. What more could you ask for?


Rene said...

Send you gifts? Are you high or something? ;-)

Shauna said...

gift, huh?


Squooshiewoodums said...



DarkerNights said...


gift eh? found one for under 5 bucks XD

what more? how about an on-site massage therapist. :D

Mrs. Hillis said...

But dear, we give you the greatest gift of all...the gift of friendship!