Tuesday, January 09, 2007

And now for something completely different

For a change, I'm going to post a positive blog. I know this will be a shock for many of you. Please forgive me. We'll go back to depressing posts soon enough.

I think I've found my reason for living. I think I've found what will be, perhaps, the coolest thing I will ever see and something that, when it comes out, I will...nay...I must buy!

This won't make my life complete, but it'll damn sure make it sound good.

Pardon me while I clean up the drool.

I've had a Radio Shark for awhile, and there's nothing cooler than turning my expensive PC into a basic radio. Actually, it's more than just a receiver: It's like a TiVO for radio.

I've complained (shocker, I know) about the sad state of terrestrial radio in the past, the lack of choices, and the "clear" monopoly that's placed radio in a stranglehold. Satellite radio offers more choices, yeah, but through a subscription service.

HD Radio does offer a choice, through "sub-channels", as it were, of different formats and choices, but the receivers are still expensive. I'm waiting to see when this comes out...it'll not only (hopefully) be a less-expensive option, but to let me record radio? Sweet.

Heaven in a USB port. I love it!


Shauna said...


looks nice. When does it arrive?

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see you smiling.

Ooooolalalala....nice little thing.

Sterl said...

Can you record with the Radio Shark? Been thinking about getting one.

Onestar said...

I don't know when it'll arrive. They're saying this Summer, but it could be anytime, really.

Yeah, I don't smile as much these days. Ain't been easy, and I'm still not over certain...things. C'est la vie.

And that's what the Radio Shark was designed for. A friend borrowed mine to record the Steelers games off the radio. The thing works PERFECTLY.

Anonymous said...

... i might get that....


or not..
hopefully you'll get it.
Now for some speakers :plotting:
