Thursday, January 18, 2007


Odds are, since you're reading this on a computer, you're familiar with the term "WYSIWYG".

What You See Is What You Get.

It just means that, what you see when you type on the screen when you're writing a document, or making a web page, is what will appear when you're ready to publish or print. I did a quick check of the Wikipedia, and they say there that it became popular on the Flip Wilson show. I remember that show, but I don't remember Geraldine saying "WYSIWYG".

I like to think I'm also WYSIWYG. I'm a fairly straightfoward person. Sure, we all have our hidden secrets and demons in our respective closets, but I have no hidden agendas or plans to take over the world. Considered taking over the world once, but realized it'd be a bitch to manage, and honestly, I've better things to do with my time. Oh, I suppose I'd have my choice of places to manage it from, but with so many people complaining all the time, it just wouldn't be worth it.

I don't want much. I don't need much. There are some things I'd like to have, but I'm also realistic enough to know I'll never have them. I've had dreams. I've had desires, ranging from carnal to the technological and various points in-between. I've had love and lost it, been loved and not wanted it, and realized some things just aren't meant to be.

I make mistakes. I'm only human, so sometimes, I'm blind to them. I like to think I learn from them, but realistically, I don't always succeed in doing so. It gets very frustrating when the people I care for, and supposedly care for me in return, won't talk to me and tell me about the mistakes I've made. It's very frustrating when I can't talk about things, when I get closed out. I don't get angry, I get frustrated, which is far, far worse in the grand scheme of things. Frustration can stop me in my track, rendering me, for the most part, impotent and depressed and then, I just don't give a damn about anything.

Sometimes, I'm blind to the fact that not everyone else in the world is WYSIWYG. I can see both sides to most arguments, but I have trouble accepting, at times, that not everyone is straightforward and upfront. Some folks choose to be...some folks can't help it, closing themselves off to the world because they are afraid of being hurt or just don't know what to say.

If you have a question of me, ask it, and I'll answer. If you need something from me, tell me, and I'll move Heaven and Earth to get it. It's when I get cut out, closed off, shut out...

What You See Is What You Get. That's me. That's all I have to offer. Sometimes, though, I guess that's just not good enough.


Shauna said...

Click your heels together, Dorothy. There's no place like home, where you can

b r e a t h e.

Rene said...

Hey bro, again, it's cool to see how very similar we are. Here's something I've learnt over the last few years: anger and frustration are emotions you better leave behind as quickly as you can: the negative energy will suck the life outta you like nobody's business. Just, walk away ... I know, it sometimes is hard, perhaps even impossible, to do, but believe you me, you will be better off.

Anonymous said...

I can hear the line in my head but it's not in "Geraldine's" voice...strange what we remember.

Always think of Popeye when I hear it...

I Yam what I Yam

Onestar said...

I've been breathing, darlin'.
I'm all right. Just hadda couple things to get off my chest, that's all.

And Rene, m'friend, I'm much today at letting go of things than, say, five years ago.

I've walked away from this particular situation...and although I wish I knew why it happened, I know I never will.

Onestar said...

I yam what I yam?


I just started saying something close to that: I'm just me. Nothing more and nothing less. :)

Rene said...

Alright, just be sure yourself that you made the right decision, don't question it, don't get all worked up over it, but learn from it the next time you encounter something similar.
(Probably all stuff you've heard over and over again, but still ...)

Shauna said...

Sometimes we never do know why things happen.

Sometimes it's better that way.

C to the Woo! said...

Sweetie, don't ever say you aren't good enough. It was either a matter of a) insecurities/issues on the other party's part, b) incompatibility, or c) bad timing. You are a great person. Don't ever forget that.

Onestar said...

Well, my timing's always been perfect, as you well know... ;)


Thank you, m'dear. You always do know the right thing to say to me...

Sterl said...

Shaunda and her breathing techniques, I tell ya. ;)

You've always struck me as WYSIWYG and we're all far from perfect. I used to worry about that a lot myself, but now I just kinda let things fall where they lie.

Five years from now I hope I'm as good at letting things go as you are now. :P

ProsePetals said...


Nothin' wrong with you, amigo. Nothin' at all. Frustration and all. I second Shauna ~ ~ ~

...b r e a t h e...

Anonymous said...

I hear you are still fretting over things, and, some things are just not worth fretting over, you know! I know it is difficult, not to entirely let go, but it is for the best that you try (I said try).

It is not always for us to know the reasons, unfortunately.

Like C-W said, you are a great person, indeed, indeed, sweetie.

And, someone might have been a bit too insecure, within themselves, or maybe they liked the short bit of attention they received, but did not want to return.
