Blame dear Cherry for this one, kids. She posted in her blog recently Five Weird Things About Herself.
Honestly, I was a bit confused. She referred to it as a "meme", and I admit, I never heard them called that before. Thankfully, Google had the search and WikiPedia had definition.
So I'm tasked with five weird things about myself. Since this is my blog, and I do like to talk about myself, I'll see if I can oblige. It'll be difficult...limiting myself to five items. Of course, what seems weird to you might seem normal to me, or vice versa. That's what makes Humans interesting: We see everything from a slightly different point of view, even if we're looking at the same thing. Funny, that.
1) For everything I do, it seems, there's a ritual that needs to be done before I do it. Before I go to bed, for example, I have to check the doors twice to make sure they're locked, and on my way upstairs, I tap the banister post at the bottom of the stairs three times. I'm not sure why I do some of the things I just doesn't seem right if I don't do them.
2) I do well when I'm trying to learn something on my own, but fail miserably if I take a class or try to learn in a structured environment. Classes bore me. My mind wanders off and I either end up withdrawing from the class, or getting a "less than passing" grade. Amazing enough, back in grade school, I was at the top of my class. High school and college, though...well, let's just say I wasn't a honor student. Yet, if I start to play around with something, and I'm left alone, I'll figure it out eventually.
3) Some will find this weird, some won't even blink an eye: I have never had a beer in my life, and honestly, I have no desire to drink the stuff. Looks like piss, and that don't interest me no how. ;)
4) I must balance things out. If I go left one day, I must go right the next. If I do something "bad" (not really bad, but...mischievous, let's say), then the next day I must do something "good". Some would say that's because I'm a Libra. The scales must balance out. I honestly don't know, but it's a weird little compulsion that I have.
5) If you ever receive a text message from me via cell phone, you'll know that I type out the words. I cannot use those cutesy little abbreviations! My fingers just won't type "l8r", "thx", or "u2". It literally took me 30 seconds to type each one of those abhorrent abbreviations. Hell, it was quicker to type that last sentence! It doesn't bother me to see that in a SMS, but...I just can't do it.
But that's just me. I'm weird anyway...
it is a little weird that you've never had a beer.
no, i'm just kidding. *L*
I tolds ya I was weird. ;)
Hey, I am weird, it's even my name *shakes fist* ;-)
Beer, it's an interesting drink: at home I don't touch the stuff, away from home I drink it occasionally, but only the good stuff ... meh :D
I had to use the wikipedia too when I heard the word meme for the first time too hehe
I used to fall asleep during classes. I was able to finish school because I love to read and I could just learn things by myself.
I've drank beer, but it's not one of my favorite things to drink. I don't like its taste at all.
I totally hate those abbreviations too!! like you, I would spend more time writing l8r than later and so on. I hate it even more when people write blogs or emails like that, drives me crazy!
r u kidding?
Beer tastes just as it looks, like piss.
I've only tasted it once in my life and never again.
Not a big fan of beer myself - you're not missing anything.
I learn best learning alone also. (although I find that having someone to bounce stuff off of helps my learning curve - sorta like a mentor) I had excellent grades in high school but that was because I didn't go every day. (I was denied those little gold honors cords because I had 256 unserved detentions - mostly for attendance, or lack of it ;) ) I'm not sure I would have made it thorough if I'd gone everyday.
I don't think those things are weird, really, except maybe tapping the banister 3 times...*grin*...but we all have rituals. I'm with you on the texting and spelling out. Now, it depends, though, on who I'm texting. For instance, my son and Ang, I'll abbreviate with them, because that's just how they read the messages; with everyone else, all gets spelled out.
As for beer...*shrug*...I enjoy it a lot. I've become picky about which beer I drink as I've gotten older, because I do prefer *good* beer...but it's an acquired taste. In all actuality, I prefer wine, but I'll tell ya...after doing heavy yardwork on a really hot day, there are only one of two things I want as I cool off. Either fresh SUN tea or an ice cold beer. *nod*
This comment brought to you by dwppoh...hmmm
the beer thing i never quite understood until i moved down here... never really like the taste of it back home, but i gotta admit the "home" beer of SA isn't too shabby.. well the lager anyways, the ales have floaty bits in it (that are supposed to be there!) that make me gag!
i think i'm gonna have to go do this one now ;)
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