Wednesday, July 04, 2007

8 Random Things About Me

Over at her blog-with-the-coolest-title, Leghump Orgy Blog, Brenna challenged some of us to post eight random things about ourselves.

Well, I'm not one to refuse a challenge such as this (especially since it gives me a chance to talk about myself), so here we are:

* One of the stranger rituals I have is, when I go to bed at night, I get in on the left side (as you're facing it). When I get up in the morning, I get out on the right. If I get up in the middle of the night for any reason, I get back in the same side I get out of it, which is usually the left side (even if it means I have to walk the long way around it to get out of my room).

* I believe there's a balance to life. I can't bring myself to admit that I'm happy for fear (a rather irrational one, but most fears are irrational anyway) that the Universe will see the need to balance it out with something bad.

* I'm a collector (some will read that as pack-rat), but among the things I collect are comic books, Hot Wheels and automatic lead pencils.

* Even though it's almost been a year, I still feel guilty. Nothing more need be said.

* In the middle of writing this, my neighbor came over to bullshit. Spent a good half hour sitting on the back porch talking.

* I need my basement cleaned. I try to be a good housekeeper, but I fear I shall never live up to the standards set by My Kid.

* I never check my "snail mail" right away. I'll let it sit until the weekend unless it's something important (like rebates).

* I have a reason to smile.



Anonymous said...

wow that is weird about the bed thing *L*

and aw, thanks for doing this. ^^ I think these things are so interesting.

Happy 4th btw! <3

Mrs. Hillis said...

I'm glad you've got a reason to smile...that makes me smile...hehe.

Lorri said...

Yes, the bed thing, I can relate to a degree. I get in on one side, and get out on the other.

Happy Fourth.

Kel said...

hehe i have no choice on the bed thing, i'm on the left (when looking at it from the foot) and Adam's on the right... of course just to annoy him once in a blue moon i'll crawl over him to get of bed lol although i haven't done it recently.. i think that needs to change lol

Dark0Goddess said...

What happens when you have someone in bed with you...will you knock them out the right

Onestar said...

The bed thing might just be when I sleep alone. I say...wait and see.

Of course, I could just crawl over someone...

Oh, and Kel, please. Annoy Adam. He needs it (a little). ;)

Dark0Goddess said...

You could unless the bed is against the wall...Oh no...then what...hehe?

Onestar said...

Climb into the bed from the foot on the left hand side.

What? Doesn't everyone do that? ;)

Foodie said...

I'm a collector too and I enjoy it so much

I very rarely get snail mail, but when I do I open it right away because it's always something nice or something I've been expecting