Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Blitherings from the self-absorbed idiot

So, yeah, I've been a little...disconnected...as of late. Seems like for everything good thing that has happened, something bad happened. Normally, I'd appreciate the balance, but it seems like the bad things have been worse than the good things are, well, good.

The worst thing was when I thought I was going to have to buy a new car.

Late last week, the oil light popped on and then popped off when I stopped at the streetlight. I'd had the oil changed about a month and a half before, so I figured I'd be good with that, but figured I'd have the dealership (where I'd gone for the last 11 years) check it out.

Before I went there Saturday morning, I pulled out the dipstick, and saw I was down at least a quart of oil. Mind you, I'm not a car guy. I know where to put the gas, I know where the dipstick for the oil is and how to work the radio, but that's about it. Never did care much for cars, outside of my Hot Wheels collection, so I'm not one to maintain my own vehicle.

Took the car to the shop where they told me I was burning oil. I had three options: Replace the motor, rebuild the motor or get a new car. From a financial standpoint, none of those work for me right now. They put oil in the car for me, and I told them I'd have to think about it.

I decided I needed a second opinion.

Thankfully, a buddy of mine has a mechanic he trusts with my life, and I trust my buddy with my life, so I took the car out to see him.

Got a different story from him. Couple weeks back (when the car had, basically, a heart attack and a valve wouldn't close, needed replaced, and whacked the credit card for about $500), they did a power flush of the system. That flush forced some gas into the already-low oil system and was causing a problem. The mechanic said an oil change would work, and I should be able to get another two or three years (with luck) out of the car.

Mind you, the stress of thinking I had to get a new car didn't help. I'm on a budget these days, and it's, well, tight. I might be able to look at a new car in a year or two, but today? If I had to get a new car now, I'd be looking at macaroni and cheese or ramen noodles every night for dinner. Not the most delectable prospect, trust me, even though I do like both foods, I can't see living on them.

Top that off with some other bad news, including my best friend moving away, and it's been a bad couple weeks.

My Kid has been all right, for the most part (thank goodness). Tired a lot, sleeping a good bit, and whenever I'm out there, she asks to go to bed all the time (even when she's laying in the bed). Some days are good, and we can talk. Some days, well, aren't as good, but I've learned to just accept those days and look forward to the good ones.

I'll try and pop around more often. Maybe some point down the line, I'll have better things to talk about, because, hey, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. :)


Anonymous said...

i really hope things get better for you, onie. That really sucks about the car. Good thing you got that second opinion.

Onestar said...

Thanks, m'dear.

Ya know, I've been living in a Year from Hell.

I'd ask how much longer I'll be in it, but I don't wanna jinx it.

Foodie said...

oh I know that feeling, when they tell you your car is as good as dead, but it's great you have another option and a better solution.


Lorri said...

You know you are in my thoughts every day. So is Mum.

Try to hang in there...there is light at the end of the tunnel, somewhere down the line...somewhere...some time.

Kel said...

Glad that you got a second opinion, unfortunately some mechanics just like ripping people off.
My whole family are pretty car savvy tho so alot of work we could do at dads... plus dad always taught me that i should know this stuff in case i get stuck somewhere on my own... and i'm so glad he did cos when i was moving to adelaide the wheel bearings went on the back of the car when i was rollin down the highway at 100kph (i think that's like 60mph if i remember right, so i slowed down, limped into the next town 3km away at 30kph lol

Onestar said...

Thank you, my friends. :)

Dark0Goddess said...

Awwww...I'd drive you around. ;) Glad it was good news for the car now! Is the light a train...lol. ;)