Thursday, August 31, 2006

If I haven't said it recently...

Thank you.

Thank you for being there to listen to me.
Thank you for giving me a chance to vent.
Thank you for the understanding and the caring.

With everything that has been going on in my life.
With everything that's happened, all the changes.
With everything else that I'm trying to come to terms with.

There are those I thought I could count on.
I cannot. That hurts me more than anything else I've been through.

I hope they can find some peace in these troubles times.
I hope they find the strength to come to terms with the truth.
I hope they understand.

And yet, through it all, there were friends who have stood by my side.
Strangers and people whom I have never met who have offered me more support than I ever expected.
More support...more caring...more love than I can get from my own flesh and blood.

This isn't easy.
It will get worse.
Challenges await me that I haven't even begun to see or understand.

And all I can do is take things day by day.
And all I can do is hope I can find the strength I'll need.

Until then, I'll say it again.

Thank you.


C to the Woo! said...

You are doing fine; you are stronger than you know. And for your true friends, no thanks are needed.

Shauna said...

Change brings the joys and hardships that make us who we are.

Thank YOU.

Lorri said...

You can make it doubt about it...even when you think you can't. You are is just that you haven't been in this situation before.

A second, a minute, an hour, a day at a time...

And, thank you, for your caring.