Sunday, September 03, 2006

Labor Day Weekend

I'm taking a four-day weekend.

Mind you, that doesn't mean I'm relaxing, per se.

Friday was trips to a nursing home, a funeral home, a human resources department and a credit union.
Saturday was spent cleaning the house and helping a buddy try to get a laptop working on his wireless network (which has locked him out, for some reason).
Sunday (today) will be spent grocery shopping, paying bills, making some sense of paperwork spread across the dining room table and maybe catching a quick nap while the baseball game is on television.
And every day, of course, has included visits to see The Kid.

So what about tomorrow? What should I do on my Day Off? What should Labor Day hold for me?

I've thought about taking in a movie. Clerks 2 looks interesting, but I might just wait for that to come on DVD.
The Pirates are out of town, so a ballgame is out of the question. (Security frowns on people going into the ballpark when there's no game playing.)
I went to Kennywood (big amusement park in the area) last week to blow off some steam, so that's done.
I'd thought about taking a long drive, but the state police will likely be out in force and the last thing I want is to get a present from them.

Odds are, I'll stay up late tonight, sleep in tomorrow and blow the day off surfin' the web. Or I might go to the mall where they'll be holding the local portion of the Jerry Lewis telethon and watch for a bit.

I've slept in the last three days. The weather has been so nice and comfortable...perfect sleeping weather. I didn't get up yesterday until 9:30.

Tuesday morning is gonna be SOOO hard when 6 in the morning rolls around.

Okay, I'm done rambling.


Shauna said...

relax, relax and more relaxing.

I'm just home from seeing 'How to Eat Fried Worms' - a perfect movie for the 7-12 yr old set. Thinking of the Wicker Man or the newest Pirates of the Carribean next. Even if you spend your Monday doing not much of anything, it'll be time well spent.

Treat yourself, will ya?

Lorri said...

You can't get enough relaxing. :)

I saw The Illusionist, today...good movie.

Do something for YOU.

Anonymous said...

Labor Day Weekend was filled with lots of eating, drinking, and outdoor activities with friends and family. (NO tv, computers, or cell phones - radio? of course! gotta have some music!) Monday, I'm left with sore sides from laughing, a few bug bites, a mild hangover, and some wonderful camping memories. (and a scraped shin that I cannot, for the life of me, remember scraping) This evening will be an early soak in the hot tub and bed. Our time "off" was not nearly long enough....

I hope you enjoyed yours!