Tonight was just for me.
This morning, I did sleep in. Was rather nice, being able to look at the clock at 6:30 and mentalling it to fsck off. By the time 9-ish came around, I decided I wanted to get up.
Just me. No one else. Didn't have to worry about anyone else being up or needing something or whatever.
Got up, did the usual bathroom stuff, the shower thing and all that, and then cleaned the bathroom after I finished. Yes, I was butt naked when I cleaned the bathroom, but no, there are no photos of that. Last thing I want to do is break the camera lens.
Went downstairs, fed the neighborhood birds and squirrels, walked over to get a newspaper, came back home, had a bowl of cereal, and started the laundry. No pressures, no deadlines, no worries.
Got out the heavy laptop and surfed for awhile. Seems I'm causing trouble over at DA again...there are a bunch of comments over there waiting for me. I answered some of them, and some of them...I'll deal with later. Nothing against them, I just decided to walk away from it for a bit.
Cleaned the house (yes, by this point, I was dressed, perverts) top to bottom. Dusted. Polished. Ran the sweeper and did my best to clean some stains off of the rug. Most of them are gone, from the looks of it, but it's dark as I type this and I'm not looking that closely.
Sure, I went down to visit the kid. She's still kinda confused, kinda drowsy, and unhappy to be there. She didn't even bother to get dressed today. I stayed for a couple hours, and my oldest brother and his wife were there for awhile. It was a good visit...she begged me not to leave, but sometimes ya gotta teach tough love, so she's gotta get used to some things.
Then...it was time for me.
I went to a baseball game. Just me. By myself. It's been awhile since I've been able to do this, and it felt nice. No pressures, no worries, just me. Got a seat on the first base line, five rows back. Great seat. Gorgeous view. Perfect night. Not too hot, not cold in the least. Pleasant.
The Pirates won. 3-2. Can't ask for more than that.
Left there, took a leisurly drive home. Stopped at Starbucks on the way. Got a vanilla creme. Sitting here at home and sipping it now.
Today was for me. I haven't had one of these in a long time. It felt...nice.
Time for you...so well deserved...you have been through a lot...between working full time, taking care of mum, etc. I am glad to hear you took a day for YOU. It is about time!!
<3 Hugs
You need more days for you. it's important for the whole sanity thing (so i hear).
Ok...you were butt nekkid in the morn...there was no mention of clothes til much, much later. I'll 'assume' (waggles fingers) that you didn't walk for a paper in yer birthday suit.
Take more time for you. You deserve it.
How I went out to get the paper is just between me and the people I passed on the way to the press box. :)
No, it is just between you and your pillow. Teeheeeeee
You're gonna wear that pillow out. ;)
So...didja have more 'me' time?
It's good for you, ya know.
This is such a positive time ... so so right and well deserved.
Take time to breathe now...
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