Saturday, November 29, 2008

Things I will miss

Over the past few weeks, I've been making a list of things I will miss about Pittsburgh. Decided it'd be funny to post this when I'm halfway between Pittsburgh and DeKalb. I like that about can write something in advance and tell it not to post until three weeks later.

Mind you, nothing here compares to the thing I'm gaining by moving...Julie's love.

Mind you, there are some things I won't miss...

  • Potholes.
  • Construction.
  • The Parkway onramp from Swissvale headed to Monroeville. I always swore I'd die in a horrible car wreck there one day.
  • Waiting for the bus in Oakland in the middle of Winter when it's snowing and all the buses decide to go into hiding.
  • The fact that, really, you can't get there from here. A two mile trip can easily take 20 minutes here.
  • Idiots who decide to slow down when they reach the tunnels.
  • Idiots in general.
  • Pittsburgh radio. When I heard the same crappy Celine Dion song on three different stations, at the same exact time, I couldn't listen to it anymore. Thank the FSM for satellite radio.
  • 100 degree days with 100 percent humidity.

As Julie will remind me, it's not like we'll never be back here. We'll be back to visit The Kid, go to Kennywood and ride the Thunderbolt (if only to hear Julie scream "Holy Fucking Shit" again) and visit.

It's not goodbye, Pittsburgh. It's "see ya around".


loveno88 said...

I love you. Thank you for leaving it all behind to start a life with me. I promise not to slow down at any of the tunnels in IL....

I dont do this, ever, but my verification word is 'chows'. Weird, huh....

Rene said...

True love is worth leaving behind everything :-)
And yes, you'll be back!

Denise said...

*laughing* Yeah, there are things I miss about the Burgh too...they're worth visiting all by themselves - and now even with you moving away, it's cool that I have a high school chum living up there. ;)

Cami said...

You think you'll be leaving idiots behind? *chortles* Eeeeyeah, unfortunately for the world, idiots are everywhere...



Shauna said...

100 degree days with 100 percent humidity??


DarkerNights said...

hahaa welll fulati