Tuesday, November 25, 2008

For the most part...

The packing's done.

There's three things that I'm not going to pack until Friday morning

  • Sheets and towels I'm currently using. I'll pack those Friday morning after I wash them.
  • The stereo and satellite radio. It's the only form of entertainment I have at the moment.
  • The telephone and DSL modem, after I call Verizon and cancel the service. I'll have Vonage forward all calls (temporarily) to my cell phone, likely for the weekend.
I've also got the cleaning stuff to pack, but that's minor. I want to give the bathroom and the kitchen floor a cleaning before I pack that stuff away.

It's snowing tonight. I'm sitting in the living room, relaxing and looking out the window on occasion watching it blow. They're saying Pittsburgh's supposed to have two to four inches of snow by this time tomorrow. Thankfully, all the weather reports I've seen say this weekend, while cool, should be good.

Packing here will be interesting. Tim and his folks are gonna be here to help me put stuff in the truck. My family...hm...I sincerely doubt they'll be here to help me. I'm not feeling much support from them on this, but that's fine. I've got the love and support of my friends in this.

When we get to DeKalb, however...bless Julie...the troops will be there and ready. Her kids will be there to help, as well as Jessica's fiancee Brad, and Kathy, Chris and their kids.

Wow. That blew me away when Julie told me they'd be there. My friends...my friends...are more supportive in this than my brothers.

So to my friends, let me say this: Thank you. Thank you for the support, the love, the good vibes and wishes. They've meant the world to me. It means so much, especially since I'm not feeling much love from blood relatives these days...

I've taken more pictures of the boxes around the house, but Ubuntu's being fussy about mounting the camera. (I don't wanna hear any gruff from you Windows lovers out there...XP and Vista won't even see my old Olympus. Ubuntu's been able to see it until this last version dropped. There's bug reports out there for it now. The community will fix it...I got faith.

At any rate, when I can, I'll post the pics I've taken. Might not happen until after I move, but you'll see 'em.


Rene said...

I always say: you can choose friends, you just get stuck with your family! I'm glad your friends are there to help you (and if I was closer I'd help you too), but I'm sure your family will be there for you when you really need them, later.

So far Vista has recognized all the peripherals I attached. Give up, resistence is futile ;-)

loveno88 said...

If my friends and family didnt like you, they wouldnt be helping. I would also like to think that I have the 'cream of the crop' when it comes to friends and family. I think in the long run, your brothers will look back on this and be sorry they didnt help you.

See you Saturday with open arms and hot cider...

Deanna Pasternak said...

I understand more than you know! My family was NOT happy when I decided to move to Hawai'i and they still not really talking to me all that much. I give you a lot of credit for being so courageous and making the move despite the families opinions! It's your turn to have a life!!!