Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving thanks

I can see more than half of my dining room table.

All things considered, this is a rather impressive feat, since the dining room table became the staging area for my move a few short weeks ago. I've had it piled with papers, boxes, junk, tape, shit, my laptop and almost everything else. I had a small space at the one end, just large enough for a placemat, so I could have a place to eat.

Now, tonight, I can see the other side of the table (even the tabletop) with ease.

I look in front of me and I see a dark living room. No lights in there...they've all been packed away in boxes. For that matter, that's all I see. Boxes. Totes. Containers.

A life packed up to fit in a seventeen foot moving truck.

Hopefully, it'll all fit.

Slight change of plan. We're picking up the truck first thing tomorrow morning. I figure, we have it for four days, so might as well get it tomorrow and get a jump start on packing.

I'm really not looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night.


Rene said...

Stay the course, my friend. Tomorrow is just another day!

loveno88 said...

You have too much to be thankful for to not enjoy the day.

I love you...

Mrs. Hillis said...

It's just a day on the calendar...think of all that you have to be thankful for waiting for you in Dekalb!