Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Tuesday morning, 11:37AM

What a wonderful weekend.

Julie's been making notes about what we did over at her blog. If you want details, you can check there.

I'll just say...it was one of the best weekends in my life. We just love being with each other, enjoying each other's company, savoring those moments together.

She calls me "sappy" because I speak from my heart. I'm emotional, I'm romantic, I'm, well, just me. Don't let her fool you, though. I think she likes a little sap every now and then, and I'm doing my best to limit my sap to once or twice a day. ;)

She left last night. I dropped her off at the airport around 5:30 for a flight to leave around 8, but due to really, really bad storms hitting Chicago, her flight was delayed nearly three hours. She got home last night just in time to turn around and go back to work.

She's tired, but when she called me this morning, she said she wishes she was back here.

I wish she were too.

A couple more weeks, and I'll be headed out to see her. Until then, I'll likely still be smiling...

P.S. I'll be posting pics later over at flickr. Check the slideshow on the left side of this blog later for pics...


Rene said...

You sappy sappy man *grin*
Physically I am limited in my sappiness to once every 8 hours *grin*

I am very happy for you and Julie, though!

So, how did she like the Burgh?

loveno88 said...

(i loved it)

Lorri said...

Sappy is good.

I'm glad you had a lovely time together.