Friday, August 29, 2008

Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend

To everyone who sees this in the 'States, have a great Labor Day weekend.
If you've got Monday off, have a good one.
If you have to have my sympathies. I hope you're at least getting time and a half.


Cami said...

Chances are I'll be working Monday, and not for time-and-a-half. *sigh* At least there's no class; I'm grateful for that.

Happy Labor Day (and weekend) to you as well, and fhblhe!

loveno88 said...

...shes getting paid time and a half. Sorry honey, I would rather be home with you.

Rene said...

Isn't Labor Day supposed to be a day where you actually work?!

Shauna said...

happy weekend

Eric S. said...

No classes are a good thing, Cami. Enjoy the day off, and fhblhe to you too!

Sweetheart, I'd rather you be home with me too, but we'll have that afternoon...and that night...

Work? What is this thing called work?

And a happy weekend to you as well, my dear Priestess.