Saturday, May 20, 2006

What a week it was

When I wasn't at work, life was good. A bit expensive (Andre Rieu concert, baseball game, brakes for the car), but it was good.
When I was at work, life sucked. Little problems, big problems, frickin' huge problems...I was not having fun.

why do we have to work? What's the sense of it? Make money...for what reason? Only reason why I work is to keep a roof over my head and my kid taken of. Sure, I spend a good bit of cash on music and electronic toys, but I can live (believe it or not) without them.

Some folks define their lives with their jobs. I'd rather have spend my time exploring my world, find myself, and go to more baseball games. ;)

Why couldn't I be wealthy and not this damn handsome? (sarcasm mode off)


Shauna said...

Retail therapy.....ahhhh. Work is ighly over rated, but for that pesky money thing.

Anonymous said...

Retail therapy gets me in you know...ha! Actually, work is still an important part of my life, but so are other things, thankfully. But honestly, I can't see you living without your gadgets, dear... ; )