Friday, October 17, 2008

Random Notes for October 17, 2008

A few odds and ends to talk about today...

  • I got a phone call from the Realtor today. She'll be out to see the house Tuesday afternoon at 2 to talk to me about selling the place.
This the first time I've ever had to deal with selling or buying a house, really. When I "bought" the house before, all I had to do is go to my attorney's office and sign a paper. I've no idea what I've got to do. My buddy's given me a few pointers, but if any of y'all out there have suggestions, either leave a comment or send me an e-mail.

  • To this end, I've started cleaning out 50+ years of stuff.
This is daunting, and that's an understatement. I remember what it was like two years ago, going through The Kid's papers to find the will and power of attorney. I found receipts from 40+ years ago, for pity's sake!

Her room's pretty much cleared out. All that's left in there is her old furniture (anyone want a vanity and dresser? All you've gotta do is pick it up and haul it away. I'll even through in a used organ...), and the cedar chest, which comes with me. Yes, there are her memories and papers in there, but I want the chest (always did), and I can go through that at my leisure.

Today, I tackled the hall closet. Oy vey. There's old coats of hers that she hasn't worn in 10+ years, my brother's books from when he was in college (and he graduated 30 years ago), a really cool old microscope, and my old records.

Wait. Read that again. I found my old records!

I understand to you, gentle reader, this means diddly, but to me...these are lost memories that I thought were long gone. These are the 33rpm records (younger readers might not now what that is...ask if you're not sure) that I played over and over when I was a kid.

It was so bloody wonderful to open the one bag in there and see my old records. Even my original Bill Cosby comedy albums (those got played more than anything else, with perhaps the exception of Johnny Horton's Battle of New Orleans, and that one got played A LOT.) were in there.

Brought a big smile to my face, lemme tell ya.

  • Speaking of things I found...check this out:

No, that's not my Hallowe'en costume, going as a fat, balding Fonzie.

Awhile back, I told Julie that I used to wear a biker jacket in the Winter. For some reason, she found it hard to believe that I would wear such a thing, and I told her that when I found it, I'd put it on and take a picture.

It was in the hall closet, so I just had to put it on and take a picture. And yes, sweetheart, it's coming with me to DeKalb.

On that note, Julie's probably done with work for the day. I'm gonna take a break and then get back to work cleaning out my closets...


loveno88 said...

I havent even read the blog first thought was....OH MY GOD! Im going to try and take over the coat....will get back to you on that one.

Eric S. said...

Don't worry, folks.
She's not gonna take over the jacket.
I just look too good in it... ;)

Rene said...

Must be quite the task sifting through decades worth of stuff.
But at least you found your vinyl, woohoo!!!
Biker jacket: no comment, just left one on Flickr *grin*

Shauna said...

cool jacket!

Denise said...

Gotta love moving - a used organ? What brand, do you know?

Congrats on finding those albums...right on.

I'm reserving comment on that jacket as well. XD
