Friday, October 31, 2008

Dearly beloved...

Tomorrow, Julie and I are going to a wedding.

No, it's not ours. That's a-ways away in the future. We don't have a date set.

This is the wedding of her friends Amy and Troy. You might've seen it in her blog that she was looking for a date for the wedding, and that's how we ended up meeting. (She got more than just a date for the wedding out of the deal.)

It's going to be an absolutely beautiful day for a wedding. Highs in the upper 60's, maybe lower 70's, and for November 1st, that's pretty impressive.

I've got my nice, dark gray suit here, ready for tomorrow. Julie's got...well...she's got something, but I'm not entirely sure what it is.

I'll make my way back to Pittsburgh a few days later, fix up the old house nice and pretty, and get her on the market. Shortly thereafter, I'll load some stuff on a truck and say "goodbye" to Pennsylvania, and "hello" to Illinois as a full-time resident. Get a job out here, something retail likely, until I can find someone willing to take a chance on me.

We'll get a picture or two of us tomorrow, for the curious who wanna see how we look dressed up.
I'll have to be sure and shake Troy's hand when I see him, because if it weren't for him...

I wouldn't have found the love of my life.


Rene said...

Looks like you're doing a Four Weddings and a Funeral kinda thing. Enjoy the wedding :-)

Good luck fixing the house and make her a viable option for sale.

Foodie said...

you're getting married!!! I'm SO happy to hear that Onie!!

I've been busy with work and can't read blogs often so I'm lost with the things that are happening to my friends :(

from what I've been able to see, she's an amazing woman and she loves you tons. I know you guys are happy now, and can only be happier with time.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart sweetie, you deserve a good woman by your side :)
