Monday, October 13, 2008

Online, offline and holding the line

Well, that was quick, wasn't it?

Okay, explanation time, if you didn't hear.

Before I left for my last DeKalb visit, I went and switched my home telephone number from Verizon to Vonage. Vonage is cheaper, and has a more features which appeal to me these days (like accessing my voicemail online and a virtual DeKalb phone number). I did the switch, it worked, and it was all good.

Except...switching the home phone number from the phone company meant that they were cancelling my home phone service. Not a good thing, trust me.

When I got home, I found that I had no DSL. Given that I'm trying to find work and need to stay in touch with the woman I love, who happens to be over 500 miles from me, being offline is a bad thing.

A long phone call back to Verizon (my cell phone bill is gonna be bad again this month...sigh) later, I was able to setup DSL service through them, but not without consequences:

* I had to cancel DSL through my long-term provider, Speakeasy. This hurt. I loved their service, and losing them, while expected and even planned, was unpleasant. If you ever used the e-mail address, you can delete it, as that account is gone.

* Verizon told me it could take up to 10 days to get my DSL back up and running at home. This was unacceptable, I told them, and believe me, I spoke to about a half-dozen people, all the way down to the local connection office on Friday, in the hopes I'd be connected sooner than October 20th.

Thankfully, it seems someone there listened, and I'm back up and running with a dedicated DSL line here at home. If you have my home phone number, you can call it safely and I'll be able to answer. I think I'll have to put my cell phone in the freezer to let it cool down from all the use it's received over the last few days...

Now then. Time for the big news. Some of you are probably expecting the next sentence and won't be surprised in the least. Some of you, friends and stalkers alike, might be surprised.

I'm leaving Pittsburgh.

For the last month, I've been actively seeking employment out near Julie. I've decided, after the last trip back here from seeing her, I don't want to leave her. I want to be nearer to her, and she wants me there as well.

I'll put my home up for sale, and start the process of relocating out to the Mid-West.

I don't want to start 2009 here. I will be in DeKalb, near the woman I love, to start the new year.

I've applied for over three dozen jobs out there, and while I haven't heard anything yet, I'm continuing to apply, I'll be working with headhunters, and am actively seeking employment there.

My heart is out there. I don't want to be here anymore.

So while I'm back online, you might not see or hear from me as much as you used to. I've got things to do...lots of make this work. I'll keep you posted as how things go, job hunting, living accommodations, stuff like I make this move.


loveno88 said...

I love you and cant wait for you to be here with me. Maybe someday I will even let you live with me ;)

Shauna said...

good luck with it all

you'll get what you need

Mrs. Hillis said...

I KNEW if you found someone worthy of the effort you would leave Pittsburgh! I hope all will go well for you two.


Rene said...

Joe Jackson said it: "You can't get what you want (till you know what you want)" and clearly you know what you want! Good for you! Good for Julie!
Good luck with organizing everything!

But what do I do if I get a client in the Burgh?

Denise said...

Well DAMN.

I have no ready steady excuse for goin' to the Burgh for PBs. *sigh*

...still, my happiness for you & Julie-bug is enormous. *big hugs for BOTH of you*


This comment brought to you by tjqnuci - *blink*

Cami said...

Well, fdsek!

Good luck with the move!

Squooshiewoodums said...


Now if I gotta go back to Illinois to see family, I just might give you guys a call. (or email since I don't generally call people much) Gotta go through that general area on the way down to the Peoria anyway...

loveno88 said...

YAY our first company!!