Friday, September 12, 2008

Quick Geek Notes for a Friday.

I love Gizmodo. For a geek, it's almost like Heaven.

They've got so many interesting finds, geeky things that I find interesting, and they have fun writing about them. I mean, when they covered the Phillips know, those guys who make the sonic toothbrushes...making vibrators and referring to them as "soniccooch", ya just gotta love it.

They also posted an article about a toaster that scans pictures or text and then burns them in the bread. It's such an interesting concept...and you know full well someone's gonna have either a naughty idea about this one, or try and sell the image of Jesus Christ burned into one to someplace like

But my favourite one today had to be the link to the webcam at the Large Hedron Collider. Now, I realize a good number of my readers (or stalkers, if you're sneaking around out there...hi!) are wondering what the hell a Large Hedron Collider is.

Basically, it's a big ring-shaped chamber buried under the Earth over in Europe that scientists are going to use to research thing that only scientists, geeks, nerds and physics students (the lowest of the low...I've known a few physics nerds in my day, and can say that with some certainty) that will find interesting. They're hoping to take two particles, send them through the chamber, and crash them together at high speeds to see if they can learn about the beginning of the universe.

Oh, sure, some have said that it could have created a black hole and wiped us all out in the process, but damnit, this is science! What's a little massive death and destruction on a global scale when it could give us an insight on the God Particle?

I'll bet most of you have glanced over this post and yawned, but this seems to have been a geek week for me. Between the music server, designing fractals, setting up my new Vonage VoIP phone line and reconfiguring my router, I've been in geek mode. It's my blog. I can geek here if I wanna.

Next week I'll be headed out to see Julie. I have to geek now while I'm able...


Rene said...

Nothing wrong with geeking out!
You gotta love Philips, leave it to the Dutch *grin*

Shauna said...

We all have some geek in us in one for or another. You're just embracing your inner geek. I think I'm gonna delve into my dreams of a wireless life again. Wireless music, wireless printer, 'puter....the works!


Eric S. said...

I'm actually looking into setting up a bluetooth printer next...

*insert evil laugh here*

Shauna said...

bluetooth printer?


Just before we left salt Lake, we attended a gathering hosted by a family that has a totally wireless house. coolest thing evah!

Eric S. said...

There are adapters for printers, both older ones and newer, USB-only models, to let them print over bluetooth.

I haven't done it yet because I didn't feel like spending $90 for the adapter. After I hit the lottery, then I'll get one.