Thursday, September 04, 2008

Oh, yeah...since some of you asked...

I went on the interview yesterday. Met with their HR person and their (only) other IT guy.

It's a small company (not naming any names right now), but they've offices in Houston and Las Vegas as well. Seems that part of the job would be covering those offices while their respective people are on vacation. That's cool. I can handle that.

The interview lasted about a half hour. They asked why I'm not working, and what happened, and I told 'em. They asked if I've learned anything and I said "delete before you hit send". ;)

They told me they'd call me later this week/early next week if I was still a candidate, to meet with their head of IT. Haven't heard anything yet, so we're leaving it at the "no news is good news' stage.

I'm still applying for other jobs, both here and out near DeKalb. Yes, you read that right. I'm applying for jobs out near Julie. If I get a good offer out there...


DarkerNights said...

*hug* best of luck onie. i'm sure you'll find that right job...


near houston. so you can visit me. lol.. j/k

Shauna said...

fingers crossed

vegas & houston too huh?

Rene said...

Sounds to me like that job just have you have relocate to Vegas :D

Eric S. said...

Dunno if I'd want to live in Vegas.
I'd rather be somewhere where it's green, and not just the color of money.

loveno88 said...

Vegas? What happened to Dekalb?? I know that is way more than a 9 hr drive!!!