Sunday, April 15, 2007

Now we're cooking...

I am such a geek.

Recently, I bought a counter-top pizza cooker.

Being a guy, and a bachelor guy at that, I love pizza. Since my bachelor-hood started a little over eight months back, I've been buying more frozen dinners and pizza. When you only have to cook for yourself, why go to the effort of making a whole dinner when junk food works just as well.

During the Winter, this isn't a problem. I don't mind using the oven to cook a pizza, but with warmer weather approaching (someday), I won't be using the gas oven as much as I have been.

(For those curious why, it goes back to the days when I was a kid. The house didn't have A/C until I put whole-house in, back in 2000. The oven would heat the house us so much that, to this day, even with the A/C, I can't stand to have the oven on when it's hot out.)

So, after cleaning today, doing laundry, and being generally a domestic god, I figured today was the day to experiment, and play with my new (to borrow a phrase from Rene) boytoy.

Let me tell you, it works like a charm! It cooked the pizza fully in less time than the regular over would've taken, and it was cooked fully. I was much so that I had to geek out and record it cooking while talking to a friend on the phone:

(C-Woo, I know this isn't a cookie, but it's as good as I can do at the moment...)

For the record, that was a Garlic Cheese Pizza. Yummy. I can still taste the garlic as I type this.

I've found a new gadget, and I love it. Onestar is full, and he is happy...


Anonymous said...

I've seen that advertised before and wondered if it actually worked (lol). i want one too *L*

Donna said...

you and your new fangled gizmos!

i love my faux-george forman grill. its the bees knees and i cook everything on it :D

Onestar said...

I love gadgets. What can I say?

I've got a Foreman grill as well...use it to cook hot dogs, make quesedillas, all kids of stuff.

And Brenna, they're not that expensive. Mine cost about $35, and if you like pizza, it's worth the investment.