Thursday, April 26, 2007

Greetings from The Most Livable City in the US

It's the truth. According to The Places Rated Almanac, Pittsburgh PA is, for the second time (and the first city to repeat, I must add) the Most Livable City in the US.


According to this article in today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, using a system of nine categories, we beat out such other notable cities as San Francisco, Seattle, Boston and Madison, Wisconsin to reach that valued #1 position.

And so help me Whomever, that's all we'll hear around here for the next year. The host of the local radio station I listen to each morning, I swear, mentioned it at least a half-dozen times in the first half-hour of his show. If someone made a drinking game on the number of times this will be mentioned, you'd likely drop dead from alcohol poisoning.


Well, at least I won't have to see this on the local news broadcasts. My satellite TV receiver is dead. Kaput. Ain't workin', jack.

They'll send me a replacement, but it's likely to not reach here until Monday. Quite honestly, I'll be fine with that. It just means this will be an unplugged weekend for me...and if I get truly bored, I'll pop in a DVD. No worries.

Last but by no means least, The Kid is still in the hospital, but at least last night when I went out to visit with her, she was doing a little bit better. She was able to recognize me and talk for a few minutes. She said she wanted to sleep, but then kept opening her eyes every few second to make sure I was still there. I thought it was cute, but decided to let her get some rest, so I kissed her on the forehead and left for the night.


Shauna said...

Portland is a great city.

Onestar said...

I know someone who would likely agree with you, but Pittsburgh is still #1. ;)

Mrs. Hillis said...

Pittsburgh is awesome, and truly does deserve the title.

Onestar said...

*hugs* to the C-woo. :)

Foodie said...

wow lucky you!! I don't even live on a livable country LOL

ProsePetals said...


What year was it that Pitt was featured in Reader's Digest as the most "family friendly" city? Several years ago, as I recall...and you know, all personal "familial feelings" aside, I happen to agree. Pittsburgh is VERY family friendly....and just, well, friendly overall. Especially since the mills were shut down and suddenly the sky became visible. ;)

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