Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

"Criminals are a cowardly and superstious lot..."

For some reason, when talking about superstitions, that quote pops into my head.
A cookie to the first person who knows where it came from.

So, yeah, it's Friday the 13th. I don't suffer from Triskaidekaphobia (although I did have to Google the word to make sure I spelled it correctly), and I haven't been superstitious of this day since I was a little kid (knock on wood).

But I suppose, deep down, I am a generally superstitious person.

Mind you, I'm nowhere near as bad as I have been, but I've looked, for signs and portents to guide my future. I've been careful not to step on any cracks (for fear of breaking mother's back, as the rhyme goes), walk under ladders or break any mirrors.

But I still have some superstitions that I have to this day. Sure, they might seem silly to the "thinking person", but it's one of ain't broke, I ain't gonna fuck with it kinda deals.

Still, my fascination with Friday the 13th continues, and no, I'm not referring to the movies. Never did watch the Freddy movies...I dislike horror flicks...give me a good, mindless comedy any day of the week. Hell, even give me some of the more intelligent comedies. I'll watch them too.

The Wikipedia has an interesting entry on Friday the 13th. I'd go into some of them here, but I gave you the link. That way, if you wish to see, you can. If biggie.

So, tell me, gentle viewer, do you have any superstitions? Any irrational (or rational) fears about this day? Share if you wish: Just watch out for any black cats that might cross your path.


Rene said...

I have no superstitions ... in fact, I defy superstition: I will walk under a ladder, I will chase black cats, etc etc :D

Mrs. Hillis said...

The quote is from Batman, of course...where's my cookie?

Kel said...

hehe friday the 13th has always been a wonderful day for me :D my lucky number is 13, and apparently my 'lucky day' is friday lol
I chase a black cat too, but that's only cos she's like me playing with her around the house lol
I'm not overly superstitious really, I step on cracks and my mum's still ok ;)

Kel said...

oh and the Wiki read is pretty interesting too :D

Shauna said...

*hides black kitty from Rene*

it's just another day and another number for me. My superstitions lie elsewhere, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

how can you not like those Friday the 13th movies?!?

wow those are so corny huh lol

nah, i am not superstitious.