Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Whatever happened to...

Tonight, I was watching Beastie Boys's "Fight for Your Right" video.
I'll admit, I like the Beastie Boys. They're my generation's Eminem...white rappers, but they can also rock.

Naturally, my brain decided to wonder...whatever happened to some of the "video babes" from those early- to mid-Eighties videos?

They're around my age, I figure...are they parents? Do they have daughters now, and are embarrassed if their kids see them in those videos? Are they driving mini-vans, doing the whole "soccer mom" thing?

It's one of those strange thoughts that I have on occasion...


Anonymous said...

And, what ever happened to some of the other "video man-flesh guys?!!

Are they fathers...with daughters, are they baseball coaches, and what do they drive?

Onestar said...

Yes, forgive me, I forgot...


I don't know why *I* didn't think of it first... ;P

Anonymous said...


Sterl said...

Wait, wait - how did this divert to the uncomfortable subject of manflesh? I mean, it's hard enough for me to see Onie's pillow thumbnail pop up on my watch. ;)

Anonymous said...

lorri rofl

yeah, how could you forget man-flesh?

hmm...wondering if they have some 'where are they now' info somewhere.
hey, you never know? *L*

Onestar said...

Oh, yes. Forgive me. How could I not think about the man-flesh. How foolish of me.

Excuse me while I go laugh my oversized butt off...

Hmm...I wonder what a pillow pic of my backside would look...