Wednesday, March 28, 2007


This is my 100th post.

100 entries in this blog.

I'd love to have something intelligent, witty and memorable to say.

Honestly? I've nothing to say.

I considered reflecting on everything that's happened to me since I started this blog, but you can find that yourself. The back issues are there (I don't generally go into delete mode like some of my friends, but I have started deleting my old DeviantArt journals) and you can see it all for yourself.

I'd thought about posting something funny. There's something I'm working on, but it's not ready yet. Gimmie a week for that, and it might end up either here or over at SA.n

The Kid's doing pretty well, although some days aren't as good as others. She has moments when she's really cognizant and I can hold a good conversation with her...others, it's difficult. I won't lie. Last night, when I was there, she tried to take a drink of milk, but she took too big and it came back out. She doesn't even think about what she's doing: She just eats.

So what do I talk about?

Just a "hello" to my friends out there, and a thank you for being with me when I needed you. That's all.

Have a good night, kids. Here's to the next 100.


Anonymous said...

Just saying "hello" back to you.


I understand, on is see.

Congratulations...on your 100th!!

You, say something intelligent and witty? Whatever, your words are always memorable. :)

Anonymous said...

hey congrats on the 100th :)

:hugs you and your mom:

Rene said...

Here's to the next 100 posts saying nothing :-)

Anonymous said...

LOL, at Rene's comment.

Onestar said...

100 posts of me just rambling.
How can you all stand it? :)

Kate said...

100 posts! quite an achievement :)

I'm looking forward to the next 100.

Enjoy your saturday evening Eric

ProsePetals said...

I'll never have 100. Well, I will, but slash & burn will prevent them from ever reaching a static space. *laughing* So I'm happy that you do.

Give The Kid a hug from me. And one for you, too.

Brought to you by bimcolkw.

Anonymous said...

Happy 100 to you! :)

Kel said...

grrr i posted a congrats in here yesterday and it never posted *shakes fist*