Friday, March 09, 2007


The car's at the shop tonight.
I was going out to dinner when I decided to stop at the car wash. Temperatures have (finally) popped above freezing, so it was safe to actually wash the car and not have it turn into an iceball overnight.

It needed it, trust me. There was so much salt on the red car was almost turned white.

So, I'm waiting my turn in line...go figure...and I notice the car's temperature going up. It happens when the car has to idle...I've known that for awhile...but then I started to smell coolant.

Finally got to the front when the attendant asks what my temperature is...because I'm leaking antifreeze. It was a good drip, he said. I should check it as soon as I get the car washed.


Get the car washed, pull over and check. Steam's starting to come out from under the hood. I check the levels...they look good. Had the radiator replaced last year, so I hoped it wasn't that. Called my friend (we were supposed to have dinner) and asked her if she could meet me at the dealership.

Of course, it's the middle of rush hour, and traffic is bumper to bumper. I took a few shortcuts I knew. Stopped a couple times to let the car cool off. Made it to the highway, praying the whole time my car wouldn't die right there in the middle of the road.

That little blinking "low coolant" light is not a pretty sight, let me tell you.

Got to the dealership, thankfully, before they closed. Left the car there overnight. I'm hoping it's just a hose, and not the reservoir. It looked like it might've been just the hose, but then I'm no car mechanic. Computers? Yeah. Cars? I know where to put the gas and how to change the radio station. That's about the extent of it.

Oh, we go again.


Anonymous said...

I hope it is just the hose, like you said.

Poor baby. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

ugh...i know that feeling. Going through traffic and praying you'll make it.
hope everything gets worked out, you.

Sterl said...

Ouch. I've had the hose and resevoir both replaced on my Saturn. Hope things go for the best, my man.

Shauna said... fun. I hope it works out well.

ProsePetals said...

Ick. Not fun.

Jinkies, Scoob, and here I was bitching mentally about needing to get an oil change.


Rene said...

It's a Saturn LOL

Kel said...

ack, that's terrible!

So what's happened... cos I'm like over a week behind and there's no second post!