Thursday, February 01, 2007

I bought my own car yesterday

If you just looked at the title of this entry, no doubt, you'd be a bit confused.

My 97 Saturn, which just recently passed 100,000 miles, was in My Kid's name. When we bought it all those years ago, she was eligible for discounted "first-time" buyer financing, even though I'm the one who made all the payments on the car.

From the onset, we called it "our car", even though she used it all the time, did all the driving (this was after she was fired from her job) so she could go out and have some feeling of independence.

Even after her vision started to get bad, she stopped driving and I started driving it full-time, we left it in her name. I told her it'd be easier to keep the handicapped placard if it was in her name, but really, it was just so she could still feel useful, didn't matter to me, honestly.

When I had to start the application process for her nursing home benefits, there was a concern I'd have to sell the car off, but they said no. One car is exempt. Anything more than that, and I'd have had to sell it.

Out of everything else I had to take care of, switching the car to my name was the last to accomplish. The original title to the car became lost somewhere in the house, so I had to order a new one. It arrived last week, so yesterday, I went to our local AAA (they're authorized to handle such things in Pennsylvania), and had the title transferred.

So, yeah, I own my own car now. A strange feeling, to say the least, but over the past year-plus, I've come to accept the strange things in life as the norm.


Rene said...

Sometimes strange is good.

Shauna said...


Anonymous said...

Change can be good. :)

Onestar said...

Strange? I'm used to strange.
If "normal" ever happened, I think I'd be lost... :)

Yeah, ladies, change can be good. ;)

ProsePetals said...


Anonymous said...

It snowed over night, about one inch. Just a slight dusting, really, but looks nice, just the same. It has all melted away. The birds loved it, and were going crazy. LOL Weird.

I had to pry their feeders open early this morning, as they were frozen closed with ice.

Just wanted to stop by and give you a hug and kiss. <3 xoxo

Anonymous said...

Just dropping by, seeing what's going on.


Onestar said...

Yeah, it's weird. I haven't posted a blog in, what, three days? ;)

Anonymous said...

Yay! congrats.. i hope to know the feeling myself, sometime soon!


(did you toss coins in for good luck?)


Onestar said...

Toss a coin?

I've never heard of that one before.


Thanks, m'dear. :)