Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow, freezing rain, sleet...it's all good

The worst snowstorm in years has hit here.
There's a good six inches of the white stuff outside. I've shoveled twice already, and I'll probably go out and shovel again pretty soon.

Except now I hear the freezing rain hit the window.

My boss let us leave work early today. I came home, had some lunch and took a nap.

My heart goes out to whomever has to work outside today. It goes out to those who can't stay home and just watch the snow fall.

No worries about me. I'll be safe and sound. It's all good. :)


Anonymous said...

Just take care, stay home, and be safe, that's the important thing.

Breathe...just because you can. ;)

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that your indoors and safe.

Looks like we're getting the Northern edge of this thing and the youngest son and husband are both gleefully anticipating it. The boy actually is praying for major "dumpage" hoping that school will be canceled. The Husband is looking forward to "plowing" tomorrow. If we get what's predicted they'll both be happy. I don't care one way or the other - as long as we have power I'm good. :)

Shauna said...


Rene said...

All this panic over a little bit of snow ;-)

Onestar said...

Ah, Rene...if it were just snow, it wouldn't be that big a deal. :)

I know you're kidding, my friend. S'cool.

For the record, I'm taking today off. My car is iced over, and I'm not even gonna consider moving it...

Shauna said...

Enjoy your day!

I don't blame you with all the ice.
stay warm

Anonymous said...

Be warm and toasty, and snuggly.