Saturday, April 25, 2009

365 and counting, part II

What a difference a year makes.

One year ago today, I'd lost my job. Got a phone call from the HR department saying that I was fired.

I got that call while I was eating lunch at a rest stop in Indiana. I was making my first trip out to visit Julie, someone I'd just met a few weeks earlier online.

I was nervous that trip, well, about as nervous as I get. The trip was worth it, though, when I pulled in her driveway and she ran out the door and we hugged for the longest time in her front yard. I don't think we've stopped hugging since.

Yeah, it's been an interesting year. There've been ups and downs. I'm deep in debt and my credit rating's pretty much shot to Hell. I've a house back in Pittsburgh that, when it sells, will pay off my bills. I still don't have a job, and I wonder from day to day where the money's going to come from to pay the next bill. And I lost The Kid a few months ago, but at least she's not hurting anymore.

Still, I wouldn't change a thing. For all the problems, I'm happier now that I've ever been. I'm in love, and that love is returned in kind, sometimes a hundredfold. I've gained so much more than I had...a family, a woman who I will marry and love for the rest of my life, and even a step-grandson.

Some folks have wondered why we celebrate two anniversaries. Truth be told, I celebrate every day I spend with Julie. Odds are, I could find something else tomorrow to celebrate with her. Doesn't matter. They're just memories, things we have to share and things we have to look forward to.


Denise said...

You're so sweet, it makes the teeth hurt, Eric. :) Enjoy the life you've got..."Live, Laugh, Love"...the rest takes care of itself. I'm so glad you & Julie found each other. *hug*

Rene said...

You've found the most important thing in life, my friend: happiness. And next to happiness you don't need a whole lot anymore. Just be happy and enjoy life and everything will turn out fine.

loveno88 said...

Youre so schmoooopy. I love you sweetheart and always will...

Shauna said...

The Universe always gives us what we need. I'm so glad you have Julie in your life.