Monday, July 07, 2008

Dutiful and supportive.

According to my dashboard, this is my 200th post on Blogger.
This isn't totally accurate...I've deleted a number of posts over the years since I started this blog, so who knows what number this is.

I'm still in Dekalb. Julie's gram passed away on Sunday. I only had the chance to meet her a couple of times, but she seemed like a really cool lady. I'll be sticking around here for a bit, to do whatever Julie needs or asks of me.

If I haven't mentioned recently how much I love her, then you've obviously not been reading this blog.

Dekalb isn't that bad a place. I'm finding my way around here a little better, but it's still flat. Damn flat.

There've been a couple good thunderstorms move through here while I've been here. A really good one went through first thing this morning, and Julie's oldest forgot to put up his car windows. Got the driver's side good and wet. Julie, to her credit, tried to put a cover on the open windows before it really started to pour, but it didn't help much.

Another storm's gonna be coming through in the next hour. The windows are shut this time. ;)

I didn't bring my suit with me (even though I had a feeling I should when I was packing my bag before I left), so I had to make a quick run to the store today for a suit. Got a couple shirts, a tie, slacks and a sport coat. As long as I look presentable for her, be the dutiful and supportive boyfriend, it's all good.

Julie has made me feel part of the family here, and I do my best to help out when and where I can. I know I'm just the boyfriend, but I try and be there to help her and the kids whenever I can.

It's getting late. The rest of this week is gonna be busy, I think, so if you don't hear from'll know why. I'm just trying to help out my family.


loveno88 said...

Thank you for being here and supporting me. I love you...

Morandia said...

please extend my sympathies to her. I know what it's like having lost my grandmother not that long ago.

mrs.c.hillis said...

Take care of her...I can't think of anywhere else you should be right now,

Shauna said...

oh dear..

be well

Rene said...

Big hugs all around!

Denise said...

*hugs to both of you*