Friday, May 25, 2007

Laughter is the best medicine...

It's a good thing I live alone.
If someone else were with me, after this evening they'd have me locked away somewhere.

I haven't laughed this hard in...sheesh...I can't remember when.

Beerfest is more than likely not the kind of movie most readers of this blog would enjoy, but let me tell you, it was, by far, one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

Hearing Cloris Leachman say "If you can drink ram piss, fuck, you can drink anything" had me laughing so long and so hard, tears were flowing. I had to pause the movie for a good five minutes to regain my composure, text my best friend saying that I was laughing so hard I couldn't stop crying, wait for the phone call explaining the text, and then telling my best friend that we have to watch this together sometime before I could start the movie again.

Of course, I had to go back and hear Ms. Leachman...a venerable actress (and whenever I see her, I still say "Blucher" and go "neigh"...hardcore Mel Brooks fans will understand that one) talk about drinking ram's piss and stroke a smoked sausage in a sexually suggestive manner...well...I lost it all over again.

The Late Night Friday Flick is back, and it was kicked off again with a good one. Beerfest was damn good.

Oh, man...ram's piss...I can't stop laughing.


Foodie said...

I heard it was good but I didn't know it was THAT good. I'll look for it for sure :)

Onestar said...

I thought it was funny.
It might not be for everyone.
Either that...or else I just needed a good laugh. :)

Anonymous said...

ram piss? ew haha

Rene said...

Laughter is sooo wonderful. If I need a laugh I will find a stand-up comedian on TV and just laught till I cry. Glad you laughed Onie-man :-)

Onestar said...

Dude, I have to laugh.
The alternative is just too scary, even for me... ;)