Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Things explained


Last night's late-night post is what it is.

It's the morning. I had some sleep (but not enough) and I've made a phone call.
Things make a bit more sense now. says something to me when you hear a therapist say "I don't trust my nursing staff" and "they don't have the time to do things properly".

Real confidence booster there. Makes me really happy I've entrusted my kid to your care.


Why is it that nurses in a hospital...a hospital...are able to feed My Kid properly, make sure she swallows, but the staff in the nursing home whose job it is to care for her are unable to do the same?

Why is it that, as soon as she gets back there, they say "oh, she's aspirating and we can't feed her and we want to put a tube in her stomach"? Are they that lazy that they can't take five fucking seconds to make sure she swallowed?

She needs help, yes. She doesn't remember how to eat. That's why I've put her in a home, to get her the help because I can't do it ...that's their fucking job.

First thing tomorrow morning, phone calls will be made. Pray for them I'm not as pissed as I am right this second.

I'm going to bed.


Shauna said...


Anonymous said...

WOW...Onie...ugh. :/

*big hugs*

Foodie said...

Life at a home is difficult hon, not only for the ones that live there, but for the ones that work there. I remember having a really had time when I worked at one, and I wasn't a nurse... it's hard to center your attention on one person when you have 20 more to go to, which doesn't usually happen at a hospital. But still, it's their damn job to make sure the kid is ok, eating properly and not aspirating. Is another nursing home an option?

Rene said...

What cherry said ... *nods* ... it's a global thing that nursing homes or care facilities are grossly understaffed and the staff that is there is also grossly underpaid ... makes you wonder ...
Good luck, though, and send your kid a *hug*