Friday, December 22, 2006

Not necessarily a year in review

2006 is rapidly coming to a close, and for the most part, I couldn't be more thankful.

Why is it that people are ready to offer "year in review" columns when the year isn't over yet? Are we that obsessed with speed, time, and getting things out so early? What's next? The 2008 Year in Review next month?

(Although, if they were to give me winning lottery numbers, I wouldn't complain too much...)

I'm not doing that. I'm not going to sit here and recap what happened to me this year because, with one exception, I'd much rather forget this year. This had to be one of the worst, if not the worst, year of my life.

Best to let it stay in the past, move on, and look forward to the future.

I'm also not going to try and review what happened in the world this year, because, and forgive me for this, I was too busy taking care of my own life to really give a shit. Politicans did what they usually do, celebrities were obsessed with keeping their name in the limelight, people were born and people died. Same as last year, same as this year, same as the next.

I've been more concerned about my friends, those I care for, those I've lost and found. I'll miss and mourn those I've lost, and I'll carry their memory with me. For those I've found, I just look forward to what the future brings, the hopes and promises of a new day.

So let's let 2006 pass into the night as it should, with quiet respect and reverence. It's part of history now, mostly. Let's look toward tomorrow...together.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that brother. I agree with you, let's look ahead to better times in 2007.

Anonymous said...

Nicely put...I hope your
holidays are nice and peaceful :-)


Lorri said...

Let's look ahead to 2007 with positive twinkles in our eyes.

Keep that smile on your face, keep breathing, inhale, exhale, keep on being YOU, my caring friend.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and good for you for taking 2 weeks off work!

Shauna said...

spend some time relaxing in the quiet, or better yet - with good music playing softly in the background. Be still for a few days, recouperate and rejuvenate yourself. The new year will steam ahead as surely it is supposed to. Like Lorri said, keep breathing.

Oh..winning numbers: 7 13 3 27 5


Anonymous said...

I've seen yesterday, don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow, hopefully, today will be the best that today can be.

(don't sweat the petty things and remember not to pet the sweaty things)

Happy Holidays Sweetie!