Sunday, November 19, 2006


It was today when it hit me...the house is really mine now.

I was downstairs in the basement. Just replaced the roll of paper towels I keep down there, and went to throw the empty one away when it hit me.

I turned and looked across the floor, as if I was outside my own body, or looking through the world through new eyes. "This really is my house now", I said aloud.

I just stood there for a moment, letting that reality sink in. I always knew the place would be mine, someday. I just honestly thought it'd be after My Kid's death. Never while she was still alive in a nursing home.

Even though I received the paperwork, confirming the sale weeks was so...surreal.

I'd bought new placemats for the dining room table today, and new throw rugs for the kitchen. The old, vinyl placemats were getting beyond the point of cleaning, and the rugs? Forget it. There were a lost cause.

Almost dinner time. I'm going to go heat up some leftover pasta that I'd made last night. Quite good, actually. Campanelle pasta with chopped sirloin and sweet sausage. Figured I'd make enough for a couple nights, and I was right.

It really is my home now. That concept is still trying to settle in.


Shauna said...

Settle in. You'll keep the basics but add your own 'touches' over time. Dance nekkid on the table (just be sure you close the curtains)

The pasta sounds good. Eat a bite for me.

Onestar said...

I never close my curtains.
I dislike that "closed-in" feeling. ;)

And so what if the neighbor's see me? That doesn't bother me...

Lorri said...

Pillow talk, darling. :)

Yes, so biggie. :)

Congratulations...yes...give it some Onie touches.

I is bittersweet.


Onestar said...


Ah, but that would mean, my friend...that I actually grew up. ;)