It was a big sucker, too. I'd say it was roughly an inch to an inch and a half across and deep.
But no worries. I'm doing just fine. No pain, no problems.

I didn't notice that until a wee bit ago.
So I had to try and even it out on the other side.
As you can didn't help. SIGH...
you could just shave 'em completely and draw them in like the older ladies do. :D
It's only hair, it'll gow.
Glad the cyst seems to be little more than an inconvenience and dude...that haircut on you rocks despite the eyebrow mishap. *grins*
By the way - love the power of unsecured wireless, though it feels odd accessing the internet with my folks sleeping down the hall.
I shouldn't laugh ....but I will!! It's not the missing eyebrow, it's your facial expression.
Poor Onie, but it'll grow back, honest. *hug*
I once sent my husband off on a business trip with a VERY peculiar -looking haircut because I used the wrong comb on the clippers ;-)
Glad to hear that the "cyst removal" was only a minor irritation.
As for the eyebrow... They grow back.
The oldest boy let his girlfriend cut his hair a couple weeks ago and we had to take him in and let the barber fix it. (trust me...he looked like a GIRL with a full We tease him saying she probably did it to make him unattractive to other women. (but his coworkers were wondering "who the hot new chick was", so he didn't put up too much of a battle when we offered to have it "fixed")
Happy Thanksgiving...BTW
Good news on the cyst...but...still take care.
LOLOL, on the brows, sorry, had to laugh. Love you...
It will grow back...
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