Monday, October 30, 2006

Settling in.

Well, The Kid is out of the hospital. She's in a rehabilitation/nursing home for some physical therapy. After three months of inactivity, she's gonna need a lot of help to get back some of her strength. I don't know how much of her mind she'll be able to get back, but right now, she's in a place where they can watch her and take care of her.

It's always interesting when she doesn't remember me. Tonight, when I asked her who I was, she said I was one of "her son's friends".

Oh, that's always fun.

Tomorrow night is Hallowe'en. Originally, I wasn't going to give any candy out, but I decided to go ahead, stop at the store, and pick up some stuff for the kiddies.

The social worker there asked The Kid what she'd like to do when she's ready to get out of there. She said she wants to go home. I'm sorry, and forgive me if this sounds cruel, but that's not an option anymore. She needs more attention that she can get here, and I've found that I actually enjoy having a life.

I've got plans for the future. I've things I want to do.

I love her and I always will, but it's time to move on.


Lorri said...

You have done more than most men, or women, would do in the same situation.

It is time for YOU, now.


Shauna said...

It doesn't sound cruel, why should it? Each person does what he/she can do and you, my friend, have already done more than most.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear she's "on the mend". Just know that many of us have been where you are. It's never easy. I'll be sending good thoughts in your direction.