Someone broke out the back window of my car.
I guess they wanted the car stereo...or maybe steal it and take it for a joy ride. I'll probably never know.
The car alarm went off, I guess, and it scared whomever off, but the damage had already been done.
Of course, they had to pick on a 10-year old Saturn, and not the Lexus next to me. That Lexus has been sitting there since the beginning of the term, over a month now, and no one's touched it. It could've been gone and no one would be the wiser for the next month or two. So instead of going after some spoiled college kid freeloading in the garage, they go after me, the guy's who's forking out damn near $100 a month to park.
I shouldn't be surprised by this. I shouldn't be surprised that this happened. I had a good weekend last week, when I was up in Niagara Falls. There has to be a balance to life, I believe, so since I had a good weekend, I'm paying for it now with this. Karma, I guess.
So tomorrow, instead of going to work, I'm going out to the body shop and get an estimate and wait for the insurance adjuster to call me to fill out the report. And naturally, tonight's gonna be one of the coldest nights of the year, with rain and a chance of snow.
I was ready to go buy a new bed. I bought myself a new little stereo. Because I went and spent that money, I now have an unexpected expense.
It's amazing, that with everything else going on, I haven't broken down and cried...yet.
That might change.
It's okay to cry, you know, sweetie. Real men aren't afraid to cry.
I am so sorry this happened to you. I know, it is not timely, with everything else going on, right now. It does suck.
<3 Love you lots.
Oh, I'll cry, m'love.
When I'm ready, I'll have my cry...
I know you will, sweetie...I know.
breathe deep m'dear. that just stinks.
My...car...is...broken! WAH!
Yeah, it hasn't been a good weekend.
Sorry to hear about your car (window), that kinda sucks. Where did this happen, at work?
I had my car broken into a couple of months ago and although I do not mind the fact that someone tried to break in to it (and stole my stereo), but it's the waiting and the paperwork afterwards that is just terribly annoying.
Weird that they chose your Saturn over the Lexus ... probably, like you said, to go for a joyride.
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