I've helped folks out with major, complex computer problems, and all I've ever asked for, in return, was maybe a bottle of water, if that. I'm just not good at putting a price on my work.
For years, folks have been suggesting I sell some of my pictures. The concept seems foreign to me. How can I put a price on them? They're just pictures. Granted, some of them seem better than others I've taken, but I can't put a price on them.
I've talked at length with a friend of mine who runs a successful flower shop. She's offered to sell some of my pics through her shop and help me with setting prices and the like. She's said there's a market for some of my prints, especially there, where it's harder to buy gifts for husbands, fathers, and boyfriends.
Case in point...

I'm especially proud of this picture, taken last night at the baseball park. It's rare for me to get a GOOD night picture, and this is one of the best (in my not-so-humble opinion) that I've taken. I've added the watermark and the text, and I've printed an 8x10 here at home that I'm going to try and sell...but there's this nagging little voice in the back of my head telling me not to.
It's not saying that the shot is not good enough...my ego is stronger than that...it's telling me Who the Hell do you think you are to try and sell a picture? You're no Ansel Adams...you don't even call yourself a photographer. You're just some schmuck who took a good picture. Get over yourself!
Tell me, then, you who view this journal, and be honest. Is the picture good? Should I see if I can sell it? Would it be worth it for me to try and market my pictures? And, most importantly, do I have the right to do so?
'Cause I sure don't know...
put your doubts in a basement closet and leave them there. Having a venue to sell (you should consider online too) is perfect. You'd be surprised - it's not just Picassos people hang on their walls - it is what touches them.
So sell, sell, sell.
and breathe.
If your friend will help you do the pricing and everything, why not? Not like there is much to lose. If they sell, great! Extra cash! Just remember to keep taking pics for yourself, not with the eye for selling them and all will be well.
Honestly, I don't think it's a matter of how good the picture is. I think my pictures are great and I haven't sold anything as of yet. It's more about marketting. As long as there is a good place to display and sell them, there's a good chance someone will want to buy them.
Anyway, I'm all for capitalism so, of course, I think you should sell stuff.
go for it.
I think it's a great idea. I bet you'd be surprised how good you'd do. And if you don't feel right keeping the money, then perhaps donate the money to charity. So that way everyone, including yourself, will benefit.
Ithink you should try to sell them. It has nothing to do with being a good photo, or bad photo, but the fact that there might be a market for the photo/s.
I think it is a good capture, personally. And, if you have a vendor, you have nothing to lose, even if it is a consignment item..you still will make something out of it. And, if you feel guilty about that, donate the proceeds to charity.
That is what I do with my profits. You know all the charitable links I have, well, I have donated to all of them, I don't want the money.
Go for it!!
Imagine Ah-nuld saying this: "DO EEEET!"
Heck, never know unless you try, eh? Besides, your photos would sell!
Is there a reason you don't want to sell prints? Have extra cash for equipment upgrades or taking your Mom out for dinner? I say "GO FOR IT!!!" (I do know from where you speak. I have those same thoughts and am always surprised by people's reactions when they see "my stuff".) Good Luck my friend!
oh yeah, I say GO FOR IT ;)
Don't hesitate!
I believe that there are many ways to get out there and this is simply a wonderful one...
A friend's care and a flower shop to display your pictures? This is close to perfect.
Should you decide to go for it, I wish you all the best, dear Sir.
Go for it! I think it would be a great thing for you. You have nothing to loose and much to gain. I like this photo and the others I have seen of your flowers... what better place than a flower shop to test the waters?
I know exactly how you are feeling as I have had those same debates with myself.
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