Wednesday, July 05, 2006

One of these days...

...I am so gonna get my butt kicked.

As I was leaving the parking garage tonight, after a long day of work, I realized that the idiot behind me decided to cruise through the barrier while on my tail. That way, he didn't have to pay for parking.

I sat in my car at the light and yelled at him, cursed him out like you wouldn't believe.

I pay $80 a month to park in that garage, and this jackass is sneaking out for free! And this isn't the first time he's done it. I've seen him do it at least three times before.

Next time, I swear, if he does it to me again, I'll put the car in park, call the campus police and have them ticket his ass. I don't care if they site me for obstruction. He tries anything, I've his license place. Anything happens to my car, I'll find him and blame him for everything.

Man, that pisses me off.


Lorri said...

Go for it, Onie!! Get his butt.

Anonymous said...

It is frustrating that people do that kind of stuff...stealing is stealing. Just be careful; a guy that will steal on a regular basis in a way that takes such a risk might easily be violent. I don't want anything to happen to you.

Onestar said...

No worries about me.
I can take care of myself. :)

Onestar said...

...but I thank y'all nonetheless...

Shauna said...

turn in his plate number to the parking powers that be.