Saturday, September 29, 2007

Three things

1) The Sinatra song from my previous post was just posted because it's my favourite of his. I've always considered it very upbeat, and if you thought I posted it 'cause I was depressed...I'm not.

2) Yeah, it's "just a number". I know.

3) Thank you, my friends. For everything. :)

Onestar, the 40-year old.


Lorri said...

Boobie, boobie dooooooo!

Hoping you have had a great one, sweetie.

Hugs you lots.


Shauna said...



Man, you're old. ;)

Anonymous said...

you are only as old as you act. (i know it's 'feel', but I like 'act' better).

To me you are only 30. ^^

Cami said...

Happy birthday, and here's to another 40. *grin*

Rene said...

Jeez, you're still green :P
Happy 40th dear Onie :-)

Foodie said...

40 is nothing, not even half way through!!

lotsa love my dear friend, hope you had a nice one *hugs*