Sunday, June 10, 2007

New neighbor or squatter?

Looks like I have a squatter, or perhaps, a new neighbor nesting in the corner of the rainspout outside my bedroom window.

I just noticed this yesterday. Gods know how long they've been out there. When the windows are open (which is as much as possible, unless it gets too warm...I can't justify the A/C being on unless it's over 80, and I admit, as much as I love it cool, I love the fresh air more), all you hear are birds (unless you're in the front of the house, at which point, you'll hear traffic, and if it's quiet, then you hear birds).

I could see the robin sitting in there. Guess there are eggs inside the nest. Since it's at the corner of a second story house, I'm not about to get the ladder out to check. Besides, they deserve their privacy.

My only concern is, when the Autumn comes, how the heck am I gonna clean it out of there? :)


Squooshiewoodums said...

Looks like you're gonna need a loooong ladder this fall...;P

Anonymous said...

oo right by the window...that would annoy me. eep. hmmm hope they dont start flying into your window? there's one that does that all the time here. There's a nest by the garage and it flies into the window there all the time. Unless the robins here are just really dumb. lol

Foodie said...

It can be good to have them close to your window, you can get to see them learn to fly :)

Anonymous said...

aww i want to see them learn to fly. I didn't think about that.

Rene said...

Now I demand pictures of Onie on a ladder :D said...

I'd hang dangerously out of a window with a long stick and poke the nest down when it is time.

Onestar said...

Long ladder. Check.
Photos of me on said ladder. Nope.

See them fly? Might be able to, kinda doubt it. The window's too low and at an odd angle.

Hmm...hang out the window and poke at it with a there's an idea...

Lorri said...

I have been there, several times so far, this spring, as you well know, with hatchlings and nests. OY

When fall comes, you get up on your butt...err...ladder, and take the nest down, and clean the area out. If you don't want to throw it away, put it somewhere in your backyard.