Sunday, June 04, 2006

And so goes the weekend...

It's a quiet Sunday afternoon around here. Relaxed in the easy chair, Pirates game on the TV, typing away at the laptop...

The Kid's still got an upset stomach. She's still taking medication before she eats, and I've gotta make an appointment for her to see the doc soon, see what could be causing these problems.

It's been raining off and on all weekend. There were some incredible cloud structures yesterday, but naturally, I didn't bring the camera with me. Such is the way it goes, I believe: Some things aren't meant to be recorded on film. They're meant for the camera in the mind's eye only.

Last week was rough. Some things happened that have never happened before. Some changes were made. Some plans have been started that will lead to further changes.

I just wonder what this week will bring.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

breathe deep and be well. (Sounds a lot like live long & prosper, doesn't it?)