Tuesday, June 06, 2006

What's the big deal with 6/6/06 anyway?

The number "666" doesn't mean much to me, really.

When I was a kid, they rigged the state's Daily Number lottery so the number 666 would pay off. I never watched The Omen (scary movies and I don't get along, period), so I never knew the connection between the two until years later.

Mind you, numbers fascinate me, but I didn't do much different today than I do any other day.

Tomorrow, the Kid's got a doctor's appointment, so her regular doc can check her out after the dry heaves last week. She hasn't seemed to have the heaves since, 'cept for a couple times. I'm not sure if it's the medication they gave her or whatever bug she had has passed. Either way, this is disconcerting. I'll admit it. I'm concerned.

Right now, I'm just gonna relax and watch the baseball game...


Lorri said...

I look forward to 7-7-07...three sevens, lucky numbers, jackpot!!

Lorri said...

Oh, forgot...hope all is okay at the doctor appt.

Shauna said...

hocus pocus drummed up by mystic wanna be's, if you ask me. Six has tons of meanings - not just the old testament gloom and doom. Besides it's 6 -6 06 - sheesh. :)

Hope all went well and your mom's feeling better.