Sunday, September 06, 2009

What a long, strange trip it's been

Sunday night, September 6th. 10:23 PM.

It's been awhile since I've blogged, hasn't it? I'm surprised anyone actually visits this page anymore (aside from the usual crew of stalkers, and you know who you are).

I guess I should play "catch-up", shouldn't I? Let you know how things are going, what's going on, things like that. Where to begin...

I'm working now. Yeah, after being unemployed, it feels great. I'm traveling around Northern Illinois, going from job site to job site, unboxing and installing new computer systems, only to turn around and rebox the old systems to be returned. It's good work, and I've been having a great time doing it.

Julie and I are doing great. I love her a little more with each passing day. It's been strange, not being around each other all the time, but my working can only be a good thing.

The house in Pittsburgh still hasn't sold. I can't wait too much longer to sell it. Bills are still piling up and they aren't going away. I need the money from selling the house to pay them off. I hope it sells soon...

What else is there? Life is good, mostly. It could be better, but that will happen in time. I'm happy, I smile occasionally, and I'm with the woman I love.

So I don't blog that much anymore. I really have nothing to say, I suppose. I'll continue to post things when they seem important, or when I need to vent about something, but if you don't hear from me, understand it's because...and this is the damndest thing...I'm living my life offline.

Sure, I go to Facebook. I play some games there, but I don't spend too much time there.
I go check out the latest geek stuff, keep on top of the latest software, but usually I do that right before I call it a night.
I haven't been to Storm Artists in months. I went to DeviantArt once this past year (snuck in under their radar) but that place has changed so much, it doesn't feel the same anymore.

It's all good. I'm all right. If you're obsessing over me, or worried about me, or just stalking me, I'm good. I'm happy. I have Julie, and I don't really need anything else in my life (well, except for my music, maybe).

So I'm around, even if I don't say anything.

If I haven't said it recently...thank you. To all my friends, those who've supported me and stood by me over the years, who've sent me their love and good vibrations...thank you. It's meant so much to me, and words cannot express how much I appreciate it, and how much I love you all for it.

And to Julie...You know how much I love you. We were looking at wedding bands today, and I felt a quiver in my stomach when you tried yours on. It was a good thing, my love. You are the one for me, and I can't wait until I wear my wedding band...tell you "I do"...and we become husband and wife.

(That was my schmoopy-poopy moment for the night. Sorry if you had to suffer through that.)

That's all I have to say for now except...goodnight, and sweet dreams.


Mrs. Hillis said...

That all sounds great to me. Especially the shmoopy (sp?) part.

Shauna said...

living a 'real' life?


loveno88 said...

Baby...I loved that ring. Its perfect and it felt perfect on my knuckle (it was a tad bit small).

Oh....and he smiles more than he leads on. I make sure of that.

I love you, Eric