Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I can has job

Wednesday evening, August 12th, 2009. 8PM.

I'm sitting in my hotel room at the Baymont in Bloomington, Illinois.

If the title of this post didn't give it away, after over a year unemployed, I have a new job.

I'm working as a contractor upgrading computers for a major insurance company. I'll be a road warrior, traveling around Northern Illinois, but it's a job.

My new employer (it's rather nice to say that) is having a two-day training session for us here in Bloomington before we start the installs next week. It'll be two days per week for the first couple weeks, then we should be up to speed with four-days-a-week.

Right now, there's five of us all told. I don't know the other installers yet...I'll meet 'em tomorrow. Tonight was just a "get here and be ready" kind of deal.

I do miss Julie. She's about a two hour drive north of here, but I won't be gone that long. It's not like it was last year when I'd be gone for a couple weeks back in Pittsburgh. Besides, Kathy's coming up for bingo tomorrow night, so she'll have company.

But it's a job. Finally, I'll be working again. It's been so long...

Remember that list I said I had on my white board at home? One of the entries has been checked off...I have a job.


Rene said...

Hey Mr Traveling Man! Glad you're back in full swing, hope it turns into something lasting.
And know: absence makes the heart grow fonder!

Cami said...

Sorry I've been so neglectful of your blog, but today's a good day to come back. Congratulations! *cheers*

Mrs. Hillis said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so glad to hear this!

Shauna said...

On the road again! Congratulations!

Denise said...

woohoo! congrats!

Squooshiewoodums said...

w00t! Congratulations!!!!!

Bloomington? You are now on the edge of my old stomping grounds...

(I think I know for whom you work...;))

Shirley said...

Glad you're back in the saddle. Now, can you hack Fistbook and get me my account working again? Hmmm?