Saturday, August 01, 2009

Thank goodness it's August

I've decided I don't like July.

When my buddy Sterling assumes his rightful place as Overlord of this world, but before he gives me my own country to rule under his wise, benevolent yet vengeful fist (although I may no longer request Canada...I may ask for something a bit more tropical for my ladylove), I'm going to ask he abolishes the month of July from his calendar.

July has nothing good going for it. In the Northern Hemisphere, it's the hottest month of the year (yet I'm asking for a tropical paradise for Julie...I guess love does make us do things we normally wouldn't), yet it's the coldest for those south of the equator. It serves no purpose (fireworks celebrations will no longer be on the Fourth, but rather Feb. 14th, in honor of our great and powerful, ah...Sterl), and would be better off forgotten.

At least, that's my take on the month. I've no love for it.

The last few July's have been bad for me. Just read through the archives in this blog for that most evil of month, and you'll see what I mean.

Three years ago was when My Kid's problems began in earnest. Two years ago, I started having car (and certain other) problems. Last year, yes, Julie was in my life, but she lost her Grandma, and (while not as painful), the car battery died.

Last month was one of the lowest points I've hit so far. My bank account was overdrawn...seriously overdrawn...for most of the month. It's not much better now, but I'm hopeful I can make rent (maybe).

I had an offer for the house that was withdrawn about as quickly as it was made. Nevermind the fact that they were low-balling me on the price, but they also wanted me to help them pay for it. They wanted me to give them more than 10 percent back. I was helping them pay to buy my own home!

Mind you, I considered it, but my Realtor told me it was blatantly illegal, and since neither they nor I would budge, they backed off.

You know it's bad when ya can't even sell a $50,000 home.

I was in a shell for a good bit of the month. I was grumpier than usual (ask Julie, she'll tell ya). I didn't return calls (I'm sorry again, lord), and I can blame it only on one thing: July.

The month is evil, I sweartadoG.

The only saving grace has been, so far, it's been a cool and comfortable Summer. The temperature hasn't been that bad, so I haven't had to run my air conditioning that much (which is good, since I haven't been able to afford the electric bill).

It's August now. While things haven't made a complete 180 with the flip of a calendar page, I'm hopeful. There is good news (which I will officially post later this this space) on the horizon and I'm always hopeful for a better day, even when I'm posting blogs so depressing that no one can comment without reaching for an anti-depressant.

If I haven't said it before, I am so thankful for Julie. My angel. The one who, whether she knows it or not, has kept me sane and (mostly) smiling. She has her own problems, but we're doing our best to get through them together.

That is, as long as she's not making me watch chick flicks. She made me watch The Notebook today! And she put it in with a smile on her face!

Kathy wanted to watch it, so they put it in while I'm over at my place and call me over to watch it with them. I'm in a house with two wailin' women watching some sappy piece of trite, and I made one little joke (a response to something one of the actors said) and I got shushed TWICE.

Okay, maybe I was wrong. Maybe the month of Hell that is July wasn't over for me this afternoon. Still, if watching that movie ended my suffering for the month...

...nah. Wasn't worth it. ;)

Here's to August. Let's see what it has to offer.


Rene said...

Always upward and onward, my friend. Just keep plugging away and maybe someday you will find a July that agrees with you :-)

Sterl said...

Okay, this lord thing is making me uncomfortable. lol I'm glad you got a job though, that's certainly a positive and Julie's a great person in your life.

This July was insane...I LOVE hot weather and even I was hot. In my ten years in North Carolina, I've never seen such a string of sufferable humid weather - must be at least 6 weeks and it's still going!

Here's to a better August!

Shauna said...

please don't cancel July out west. some of us *like* the heat. :)

Here's to sunny blue skies!

Mrs. Hillis said...

Okay, I'm a fairly easy person to get along with (as you know), but PLEASE don't take away my JULY! That's the one whole month of summer vacation I have left, and that's when my tomatoes start coming in. =)