Friday, September 25, 2009

An unfinished symphony, of a sort.

There is something magical about night driving, especially in the hours before dawn.

The world isn't awake, and for the most part, not ready to awaken. Everyone is still wrapped in the safe slumber of Morpheus' arms. Few brave souls are out, either their day just starting or finally ending.

You can look around a little when you drive at night. Fewer cars on the street means you can get a quick glance to the left or the right, inside the houses (mostly dark) or businesses (lit but empty). It's so different than the world of daylight, when things are awake and open and ready for business. It's much more honest. No one puts up a facade, hiding their true selves. Their guard down, we see things for what they truly are.

The street lights shine differently in the time before the world awakens. When they first come on in the evening, they cast shadows differently because people are still moving around and there's still things going on. Lights shine a little brighter right before the sun comes up. Perhaps they realize there's a light brighter than them, so for their last chance to shine until the next evening, they want to make their presence felt, their illuminations leave a mark on a world that doesn't always realize they're there, or perhaps their glow taken for granted.

That light was appreciated by one witness, at least, this morning. A lone driver, traveling down semi-vacant streets, passing only a few other weary souls, savoring the moment. Classical music playing softly from the radio, the driver bears lone witness to a world still not awake, still at peace with itself, enjoying said quiet, and peace.

Yes, it is beautiful, before the dawn. I would invite you to savor the moment with me, but I know you're still asleep. That's fine. Let your weary head rest against your pillow. I will join you in slumber soon, but for now...


Mrs. Hillis said...

You need to write more things like this. It's beautiful.

Eric S. said...

I was inspired...and asleep...when I wrote that this morning. That particular combination doesn't come around every day. ;)

Adam Richter said...

Nice work. I like this post quite a bit.

Rene said...

This almost makes me wanna get up earlier ... almost :P

Shauna said...

Sounds lovely. I'll be more interested when you write about sunsets. :)