Friday, August 17, 2007

One Five Oh

This is my 150th blog entry. Wow. I knew I was full of bullshit, but really...I'm impressed.

(Okay, this is more like the 152nd or 153rd. I did delete a couple here and there. I'm not one to slash and burn, but I do delete on occasion.)

Friday night. Sitting on the floor of my living room. Typing on the laptop as it rips (for my own personal use) Beastie Boys Solid Gold Hits CD into OGG Vorbis files. You might've seen the "PLAY OGG" link on my page here. Ogg Vorbis is an open-source audio encoder that, to a lot of people, just sounds better than MP3s. My music player plays Ogg files...a definite selling point for me, when I bought it. Yeah, it's geeky, but those that really know me, know a) I don't do things the easy way, and b) I will geek things out when I can.

Sitting here with my shirt off (calm yourself ladies, please), occasionally rubbing my chest. No, it's not a perverted thing. No, I'm not feeling myself up. It's because parts of my chest were shaved this week.

See, on Wednesday, I had a stress test.

Don't panic. I haven't had any heart problems. It was more...preventive medicine.

See, there is a history of heart problems in my family. My Pop had a bad heart. My Kid has a pacemaker because of an irregular (and now enlarged) heart. There's a definite history of heart problems in my family, and I figure...

I'll be honest. I turn 40 next month. I've not always taken the best care of myself, but I always used the excuse that I was too busy taking care of My Kid to worry about myself.

I don't have that excuse anymore (even though she does have another infection and I've been calling out there daily, checking up on her...especially since I found out they were giving her an antibiotic that I told them she was allergic to.

So, yeah, I had a Stress Test. For those of you unaware of what a Stress Test is, it's where they stress your heart. They make you walk on a treadmill that keeps getting faster and goes at a higher angle until you reach a specific heart rate.

In my case, I had to reach a heart rate of 154 beats per minute. Normally, at rest, I'm about 60-70 beats per minute (less if I concentrate and relax). Walking, normally, I can reach 80-90 beats per minute.

To reach the magic number they wanted, I was on the treadmill for over seven and a half minutes, with it getting faster and higher every two minutes. By the end, yeah, I was getting seriously out of breath and my legs were feeling like mush, but I made it.

Toward the end, they injected me with a dye. They then laid me out on a table, and took pictures of my heart. After a bit of rest, they took more pictures, and were going to compare the two pictures to see if there's any problems.

I'm guessing there's no problems, since the doctor called my house (according to the caller ID), but didn't leave a message. No news is good news and all that.

Otherwise, the doc said I'm in good shape. Clean bill of health and all that.

But yeah, I did the stress test, and they shaved part of my glorious chest hair. Now, it's starting to itch.

At least it gives me an excuse to feel up my own chest. ;)


Mrs. Hillis said...

Onie, Dear, please don't assume no message means everything is okay. I don't want to rain on your parade, but please make sure. Let me know if you're truly okay, okay? Okay.

Anonymous said...

150 blog :)

I'm glad things are ok with you. But, just make sure. I'm sure you'll talk to your doctor soon. Let us know.

Onestar said...

No worries, folks.

They're not in over the weekend, but once they're open Monday morning, I'll call them, and I'll be sure to let you know.

Foodie said...

*scratches your chest*

I hope the kid doesn't have a bad reaction to the antibiotic, I hate when people don't pay attention to the important things like that

lemme know once you get the results, will ya?

ProsePetals said...

Stay on top of it, Onie-man. *nod* Seriously. Take care of you...I'm in full agreement with Mrs. Hillis on this one...

Give The Kid a big hug from me when next you visit with her. *hugs to you & V, too*

Brought to you by vzxizo...

Foodie said...

*stares at your webcam*

Onestar said...

I fully intend to follow up with the doctors, honestly, and I will tell everyone here what I find out.

Cherry? What are you staring at on my webcam? ;)

Lorri said...

You make sure you call on Monday. Never assume anything. Quite often they don't leave messages, because they are unsure if another person is going to hear it, and for privacy reasons, they might not leave a message.

Yes, stress tests are a joy...ugh...I had my latest one last year, and had to get up to 160 beats per minute.

Behave yourself!

Shauna said...


You don't look that old. Good thinking to get that stress test.

Squooshiewoodums said...

Stress test...ick! I can't do the normal ones...I'm allergic to the dye. (Yes - I found that out "the hard way") Call them Monday - okay? The doctor not leaving a message doesn't mean anything one way or the other.

Rene said...

The number of blog entries is around the same as that specific heart rate ... conspiracy anyone?

Take care of yourself Onie-man, or let someone take care of you; you have deserved some caring after all the caring for the kid you did *nods*

Morandia said...

wow... din't have to have the dye with mine... just ultrasound pics (or whatever) when I reached the right level. Wonder why they had to do the dye too.....

hope all is well

Onestar said...

I don't know why they did the dye.
They said "do it" and I said "whatever".

It's now Monday morning. They won't be open for another hour, so I'll call them in a bit.